Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mathematics Olympiad For Senior High School

Soal Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) Bidang Matematika SMA
Students need the ability to speak english to do the olympic problems in mathematics. Students who are not necessarily good at counting can be an Olympic Champion in math competitions. Questions that are used for selection and very different from the final national exams. Below are examples of types of math problems that may be used in Nasional Mathematics Olympiad and international levels.

  1. A goat uses horns to make the holes in a new 30x60 cm large towel. Each time it makes two new holes. Show that after the goat repeats this 61 times the towel will have at least two holes whose distance apart is less than 6 cm.
  2. You are given 555 weights weighing 1 g, 2 g, 3 g,. . . , 555 g. Divide these weights into three groups whose total weights are equal.
  3. Draw on the regular 8x8 chessboard a circle of the maximal possible radius that intersects only black squares (and does not cross white squares). Explain why no larger circle can satisfy the condition.
Click the link below to download the math olympics problems (Full Version)

Problems and Solution National Mathematics Olympiad 10-12 Grades (SMA) download

Mathematics Olympiad For Junior High School

Soal Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) Bidang Matematika SMP
Level math olympics junior high school students had higher when compared about elementary school students. Hard work and lots of practice so that students or your child can be the best theory or even the best experiment in National Mathematics Olympiad. Here's an example about Junior Olympics in mathematics that can be used for training.

  1. Jane typed a 6-digit number into a faulty computer in which the 1 (one) key was broken. The number appearing on the screen was 2003, possibly with some blank spaces. How many different 6-digit numbers could Jane have typed?
  2. In a test of 20 questions 5 marks are given for each correct answer and 2 are deducted for each incorrect answer. Alan did all the questions and scored 58. How many correct answers did he have?
  3. A whole number between 1 and 99 is not greater than 90, not less than 30, not a perfect square, not even, not a prime, not divisible by 3 and its last digit is not 5. What is the number?
You can download the pdf version (complete) by clicking the link below.

Problem And Solution Mathematics Olympiad 7-9 Grades (SMP) download

Mathematical Olympiad

Soal Olimpiade Matematika Nasional
Mathematics Olympiad is one of the strategic forum to realize the theme of educational paradigms increase the power of reason, creativity and critical thinking. Implementation of a sustainable Olympics will have positive impact on the implementation of the learning process to become more creative and innovative. In turn, students will have the opportunity to develop all aspects of personality and learning abilities through creative, effective and fun.

Mathematics Olympiad aims to improve the quality of math and science education at the level of SD / MI, SMP / MTs, and SMA / MA comprehensively through a learning culture, creativity and motivation, the best achievement through healthy competition and uphold the values of sportsmanship .

The following examples math olympics. You can download by click the links.

Problem and solution mathematics olympiad 5-6 grade (SD/MI) download
Problem and solution mathematics olympiad 7-9 grade (SMP) download
Problem and solution mathematics olympiad 10-12 grade (SMA) download

Mathematics Olympiad For Elementary School

Soal Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) Bidang Matematika SD
In contrast to the usual math, the questions contained in the mathematics Olympiad requires children to use logic high enough. In addition, the use of English in math will be pretty much exhaust the child's mind to understand it before answering questions.
Here are examples of questions used in the Olympic championship for primary mathematics.

  1. A train moving at 55 miles per hour meets and is passed by a trainmoving in the opposite direction at 35 miles per hour. A passenger in the first train sees that the second train takes 8 seconds to pass him. How long is the second train?
  2. Every human that lived on Earth exchanged some number of hand-shakes with other humans. Show that the number of people that made an odd number of handshakes is even.
  3. It is easy to arrange 16 checkers in 10 rows of 4 checkers each, but harder to arrange 9 checkers in 10 rows of 3 checkers each. Do both.
This is download pages for Mathematics and Science Olympiad. You can download by click the links.

Problem and solution mathematical olympiad for elementary school download

Monday, November 16, 2009

Internasional Mathematics and Science Olympiad

International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO) for Primary Schools is an annual competition in Math and Science organized by the Directorate of Kindergarten and Primary Education, Ministry of National Education, Indonesia. The competition was initiated in 2003, which was then called AMSO (ASEAN Mathematics and Science Olympiad), since countries invited to the event were solely South East Asian countries. In 2004 the Directorate decided to change the name to IMSO, because countries outside ASEAN were also interested in participating in the event.

The 6th IMSO will take place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 8 to 14 November 2009. It is a privileged for me to welcome the talented primary/elementary school students in Mathematics and Science. Hosting the International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO) for Primary School shows how serious we are in trying to improve quality of education as well as providing these students the means to actualize their skills, talent and potentials. This competition is also an excellent event to foster and improve friendly relationships between the students and improve cooperation in education between officials of participating countries.

There are 2 areas IMSO. This area is Science and Mathematic. You can download about IMSO Test by clicking the link.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

National Science Olympiad (OSN) 2008

National Science Olympiad (OSN) 2008 hield in Makassar. We've published about the Olympic Test in science for elementary school students. You can use these example test for training students.

Examples :
  1. Stomata function to ....
  2. Morphological features of plants that live in desert areas is ....
  3. Agricultural activities which only gives a bad effect on the environment, among others ....
  4. Biomass is the energy stored in animal or plant. When plants or animals are loose or gas produced flammable liquids. Explain briefly how the power plant with biomass fuels work! Starting from the collection of biomass to produce electricity.
  5. Waste handling can be done in a way ....
You can download the full olympic question by clicking the following link.

Problem Theory 1 with solution OSN Makassar 2008 download
Problem Theory 2 with solution OSN Makassar 2008 download
Eksperiment Final with solution OSN Makassar 2008 download

How to answer the question IMSO?

Olympic Problem IMSO (International Mathematic and Science Olympiad) is our Uplod. Here's an example about an Olympic IMSO elementary school science can be used for training. All about the Olympic IMSO science in the form of English. It is important for teachers to equip students with English language skills so that students can understand the issue. If you understand the problem it can not how kids want to answer the question?

There are 2 areas IMSO. This area is Science and Mathematic. You can download about IMSO Test by clicking the following link.

Example Science Test :

Problem theory 1 with solution 2007 download
Problem theory 2 with solution 2007 download
Experiment Science IMSO with solution 2007 download

Problem theory 1 with solution 2008 download
Problem theory 2 with solution 2008 download
Experiment Science IMSO with solution 2008 download

Example Mathematic Test :

Sort answer with solution IMSO 2007 download
Essay with solution IMSO 2007 download
Exploration with solution IMSO 2007 download

Sort answer with solution IMSO 2008 download
Essay with solution IMSO 2008 download
Exploration with solution IMSO 2008 download

National Science Olympiad In Indonesia

National Science Olympiad has been initiated since 2002. It is one of the strategic forum to realize the theme of educational paradigms increase the power of reason, creativity and critical thinking. Implementation of a sustainable Olympics will have positive impact on the implementation of the learning process to become more creative and innovative. In turn, students will have the opportunity to develop all aspects of personality and learning abilities through creative, effective and fun.

National Science Olympiad aims to improve the quality of math and science education at the level of SD / MI, SMP / MTs, and SMA / MA comprehensively through a learning culture, creativity and motivation, the best achievement through healthy competition and uphold the values of sportsmanship .

The specific objectives of national science Olympiad:
  1. Provide a vehicle for students from elementary / MI, SMP / MTS, and SMA / MA to develop talent and interest in Mathematics and Science so that they can be creative and innovate according to his ability;
  2. Motivating students SD / MI, SMP / MTs, and SMA / MA in order to always improve the intellectual capacity, emotional, and spiritual norms based on healthy so it can boost the ability to think reason.
  3. Opting superior seeds and achievement as potential participants of ASEAN-level Science Olympiad, Asian and International such as: IMSO, IJSO, AphO, IPhO, etc..
National Science Olympiad was first held in 2002 in the city of Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta Provincial Government as a host. At the OSN I in 2002 followed by the student only SMP / MTs dan SMA / MA. Subjects that are contested at the OSN are three areas to the level of SMP / MTs namely: Mathematics, Physics and Biology; and six fields for high school are: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, and Computer (Information Technology). Beginning in 2003 at the Second National Science Olympiad in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, students from elementary / MI were included in the OSN began with a contested field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

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